PWD : Land & Building


Details of ULB Land (Vacant / Encroached / Litigated) as on 31.03.2011

Mouza J.L.No. Plot No. Khatian/ Ledger No. L.R.Dag No. Length (mtr.) Width (mtr.) Area of Land Whether the land is  
i) Vacant
or ii) Encroached 
or iii) Litigated
Area (Sq.Mtr.) Area (acre.)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Kurseong 9 N.M. 127 2321 N.M. N.M. 121.40 0.03 Encroached garage occupied
Kurseong 9 N.M. 121 1301 N.M. N.M. 601.75 0.15 Encroached encroach by Sweepers of municipality
Kurseong 9 N.M. 915 2634 N.M. N.M. 1456.80 0.36 Encroached partly encroached
Kurseong 9 N.M. 920 1074 N.M. N.M. 174.42 0.04 Encroached partly encroached
kurseong 9 N.M. 121 2615 N.M. N.M. 890.29 0.22 Encroached encroached by public
Kurseong 9 N.M. 121 2616 N.M. N.M. 485.61 0.12 Encroached encroached by public
Kurseong 9 N.M. 121 2617 N.M. N.M. 728.42 0.18 Encroached encroached by public
Kurseong 9 N.M. 121 2618 N.M. N.M. 445.15 0.11 Encroached encroached by public
Kurseong 9 N.M. 121 2619 N.M. N.M. 161.87 0.04 Encroached encroached by public
Kurseong 9 N.M. 121 2627 N.M. N.M. 890.29 0.22 Encroached encroached by treasury office
Kurseong 9 N.M. 126 1349 N.M. N.M. 25.09 0.01 Encroached public encroachment
Kurseong 9 N.M. 124 1361 N.M. N.M. 20.23 0.01 Encroached public encroachment
Kurseong 9 N.M. 121 1347 N.M. N.M. 1211.61 0.30 vacant  
              7212.94 1.78    

Summary of ULB Land (Vacant/Encroached/Litigated) as on 31.03.2011

SL Particulars  Area of Land
Sq. Mtr. Acre
a. Quantum of Land lying vacant 1211.61 0.3
b. Quantum of Land under encroachment 6001.33 1.48
c. Quantum of Land involved in litigation/Court case Nil Nil
Grand Total (a+b+c) 7212.94 1.78

Cost of Forms:

SL No.

Form Name

Cost of Form (in Rs.)


Building Plan Form

100.00 (Each Form)


Site Plan Form

Free of Cost


* The Forms can be collected from the Front Office of this Municipality.


N.B. Authorization Letter from empanelled Planner of this Municipality duly signed by the applicant and Photocopy of the current Tax Receipt should be submitted for collection of Building Plan Form.

Documents required at the time of Submission of the Forms:

1) Building Plan Form:

I. Duly filled Building Plan Form in proper way.

II. Three copies of the Building Plan signed by the respective Engineer and Owner of building. (Of the Three copies, one copy must be in blue print form and the Other two may be in BLUE/AMMONIA/FERROW paper print)

III. Photocopy of the Current Tax Receipt.

IV. CESS Calculation Sheet.

V. Affidavit on Non-Judicial Paper duly signed by the Owner.

VI. Indemnity Bond on Non-Judicial Paper duly signed by the Owner.

VII. Porcha (Record of Rights).

VIII. In case of New Building, the following documents should be submitted along with all other mentioned documents-

      A) Photocopy of Deed.

      B) One Copy of approved Site Plan in original form along with Approval Letter (also in Original form) approved by Chairman-in-Council of PWD/ Chairperson/ Vice       Chairman.

IX. In case Of Multi-Storied Building*, the following documents should be submitted along with all other mentioned documents-

      A)    Soil Test Report signed by respective Engineer.

      B)    Structural Design Calculation Sheet signed by respective Engineer.

      C)    Structural Plan signed by respective Engineer and Owner.


N.B. Building Plan Sanction Fees depends on Building Area.

* Multi-Storied Building refers to Building with height greater than or equal to 8 meters.

2) Site Plan Form:

I. Duly filled Site Plan Form in proper way.

II. Three copies of the Site Plan in Original form and duly signed by the Owner and L.B.S. (The Three copies MUST BE IN AMMONIA, BLUE PRINT AND FERROW PAPER – 1 copy of each.)

III. Photocopy of the Legal Deed duly attested by the respective Ward Councillor/ Vice Chairman/ Chairperson.

IV. Photocopy of the Current Tax Receipt duly attested by the respective Ward Councillor/ Vice Chairman/ Chairperson.

V. Site Plan Form should be signed by the Owner and LBS.

N.B. Site Plan Sanction Fees depends on Land Area.

Reference: West Bengal Municipal (Building) Rules, 2007

Section 158. Application for approval of sites and for permission to construct or reconstruct buildings other than huts-

(1) Before submission of the building plan, approval of the building site has to be obtained,

Note- The applicant may simultaneously submit the site plan and building plan to the Municipality for approval at his own risk and cost. But the Municipality shall consider the building plan submitted for approval only after the site plan is approved. In case the site plan is not approved, the submitted building plan shall also be treated as not approved.

(2) Application, under sub- rule (1) submitted in Form A, shall state inter alia the proposed use of the land as per use group provided in the Act.


(3) Every application, specified in sub- rule (1) shall be accompanied by a site plan in triplicate and the reports and/ or recommendations of tests for soil and stability of slopes, as and where applicable under rule 157 together with a fee as specified in rule 4. The site plan shall be drawn to the scale of not less than one centimeter to six meters and shall be signed by the applicant and by the Licensed Building Surveyor or Architect as required under rule 161 with a certificate to the effect that the site has been inspected personally by the Licensed Building Surveyor or the Architect, as the case may be.


(4) Every site-plan specified in sub-rule (3) shall show or state on the body of the sheet showing the site plan the following:-

      (a) the boundaries of the building site and of any contiguous land belonging to the owner thereof with number assigned to the plot or the premises;

      (b) the position of the building site in relation to neighboring streets with dimensions;

      (c) he name of the street on which the building site abuts;

      (d) the position of the proposed building and of all other buildings including existing buildings (if any) which the applicant intends to erect upon his contiguous       and referred to in clause (a) in relation to-

            (i) the boundaries of the building site and, in case where the site has been subdivided, the boundaries of the portion owned by the applicant and also the             portions owned by the other owners, and

            (ii) all adjacent streets, buildings and premises within a distance of 12.00 meters of the building site and of the continuous land (if any) referred to in clause             (a);

      (e) the use or occupancy of all the buildings;

      (f) the direction of North Point;

      (g) the means of access from the street to the proposed building and to all other buildings (if any) which the applicant intends to erect upon his contiguous       land referred to in clause (a);

      (h) the schematic position and approximate height and the number of storeys of all other buildings within 12.0 meters from each side of the building site;

            (i) the free passage or way in front of the building;

            (j) the width of the street (if any) in front and at the rear of the building;

            (k) the means of drainage of the proposed building leading to existing public drains or drainage channels with their location in relation to the building site;

            (l) the means of drinking water supply to the proposed building indicating the source and the distance from the site including the route through which the             pipeline will be laid, if piped water supply is envisaged;

            (m) the means of power supply to the proposed building on the site, indicating the route through which power supply will be achieved;

            (n) areas of distress;

            (o) such other particulars as may be specified by the Board of Councillors;

            (p) the location of power line, water line, sewer line, natural drainage channel or jhora, road side drain, protective works;

            (q) location of land slides, if any, on or near the building site in hill areas detected during reconnaissance. The Board of Councillors shall cause to ensure that             the building site is away from the slide zone or areas of distress;

            (r) on a sloping building site in hill areas, proposals for diversion of the natural flow of water coming from uphill side of the building away from the foundation.


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